About The Blog

The Sole purpose of this blog is to spread the word of music to as many people as possible. I grew up listening to the glam/hair metal and classic rock albums of my parents' and once I had my own money, bought my own CDs. Once I got a computer, and discovered the internet, a whole new world of music emerged. The net can be a beautiful place for discovering new music.

If you are/represent a band and would like your albums removed from the blog, please contact me and I will remove it immediately. On the other hand, if you would like your music to be heard, feel free to send me your demo, single, EP, or full-length along with band information, and contact URL and I will gladly post it.

If you end up downloading albums from me, which I'm sure many of you will, I urge you to go out and support these bands by buying upcoming albums, going to shows, and buying the band's merchandise. If/when you download an album from me, I would also appreciate it if you would rate it as a thank you to me for the upload. Thanks for visiting!



